Separation Processes, Inc. (SPI) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a 2 year contract as a subconsultant to Hazen and Sawyer to provide membrane monitoring and support services to all of West Basin Municipal Water District’s (WBMWD) various facilities. WBMWD consists of several MF/RO wastewater recycling facilities including the Edward C. Little Water Recycling Facility (ECLWRF), the largest water recycling facility of its kind in the US, as well as groundwater desalination facilities. SPI has provided membrane monitoring and support services to West Basin Municipal Water District for over 20 years. SPI’s core Membrane Monitoring Services (MMS) include routine or periodic review of operating data for UF, MF, NF and RO systems to achieve and maintain maximum operating efficiency and minimum cost. The firm also provides operator training, SOP review and revisions, pilot studies, troubleshooting, foulant analyses, and membrane autopsies.
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